Friday, July 15

Nothing interesting to report

I know I haven't posted in a while, but that's mostly because there isn't anything really worth reporting going on.

Mom is in Massachusetts at a convention, and I'm sure is having a grand time. Dad called last night complaining he was bored. Poor guy! This is the first time Mom has been away from home for this long by herself, so this is new territory for them both.

Hannah went to Titusville, Florida to watch the shuttle launch that didn't happen. I haven't actually heard from her, so I don't know her thoughts on it not happening. I was watching NASA TV on and found out right away that they were scrubbing the launch, and I was thinking of poor Hannah. She went three hours out of her way to see a lot of nothing. I'm sure it was still pretty cool though. I'll let you know if I hear from her and get any juicy tidbits.

Later Days

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