Friday, September 30

A pain in the

SHOULDER! I seem to have developed a recurrence of tendonitis in my shoulder. Grr! I'm fine first thing in the morning, but as the day progresses it just gets more and more painful. Chris has ordered me to rest it this weekend. I'll try, but I'm not very good at doing nothing.

Just under two weeks until I go to San Francisco! Look out Jane, Aunt Alex is coming to town (and she's bringing presents). Ahh, I'm the gift bringing relative...well, at least that means I'll be her favorite (course I already am, right Jane?) :-)

Kaleidoscope is having thier annual tent sale tomorrow. I might go...depends on if I can drag Chris or not.

Oww, my shoulder HURTS! Okay, I'll stop whining now.

Later Days!

Thursday, September 29

Cousins or Sisters

Are they cousins or sisters? Answer: Cousins. Hannah and Kathleen in Florida.

Happy Birthday

I completely forgot that Josh's birthday was Sunday...

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Josh!
Happy birthday to you!

I'm sorry I forgot!!!!!!!!

Pain and suffering

Chris went in to the doctor for his permanence evaluation for his wrist injury yesterday. No word yet on how that went, though considering that is his now MUCH more likely to develop Carpal Tunnel, we are hoping that we get something out of it. Speaking of injuries, I am fending off another attack of tendonitis in my right arm. That has put a serious curb on knitting and weight lifting - two things I am NOT happy about giving up!

No new news on Dad. There likely won't be any news, as this is just a new reality. It's not actively life threatening, which is a positive, but it isn't going to get any better either.

I took yesterday off to decompress, which felt really nice. It was such a gorgeous day that I took a walk to the library. I picked up the new Johnny Damon book for Chris and a Baseball Card value book. I'm hoping he'll start working on thinning them out just a bit. I suggested keeping the ones worth keeping (read worth more than $1) and getting rid of the rest of them. I wouldn't mind having the worthwhile ones around, but all of way!

It is a VERY blustery day here today. Thank goodness for battery backup alarm clocks as the power was out when I woke up this morning. Ever showered in the dark, worried that the water pressure and the hot water would give out? No? Well, try it's a blast! The power came back on about 10 minutes after I got out of the shower.

Later Days.

Tuesday, September 27

Gift from my Secret Pal and sad news

I'm part of a secret pal program, and received my first package today!! I'm so excited. She (is that a safe assumption?) sent me Reese's (yummy) needles and all the yarn needed to make the Tasha bag I've been drooling over. She also sent bath stuff and a beautiful bookmark!

I got a message from Mom today. Dad has officially been diagnosed with Emphysema and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Not that any of us are all that surprised about this, it's still a blow. I will pass more on when I know more, but in the meantime we are dealing with this latest hiccup as best as can be expected.

Later Days

Tuesday, September 20

I'm 36.19% nerd!

Okay, I have to admit that I thought it would be a lot higher, but it's a short test. Check it out here. I'm the proud child of a trekker (thanks Mom!) and have to admit I used to watch Star Trek: TNG and Enterprise. I never really was hard core into Star Trek: DS9 (though kudos to you if you have any idea what I'm talking about).

Anyway, that's your random burst of verbiage for the day!

Later Days.

Monday, September 19

Random Monday Morning Rambles

In the vein of completely random things that run through ones head on a chilly Monday morning...

I think I might start a new recipe page. I tried a new veggie stew last night (tomatoes, Zuchini, kidney beans and hominy) that was okay, not something I would eat on a regular basis, but it wasn't terrible. I've never been a big fan of tomatoes so when Chris saw me put two cans in a pot he new something different was happening. I also made apple crisp yesterday...that was yummy. I need to get hold of my Mom's recipe, that one is really yummy.

Chris worked most of the weekend, so I had some time to myself. Boring, but I can't complain too much. Overall it was a very uneventful weekend, which is kind of nice actually.

Later Days.

Wednesday, September 14

The countdown is on

Less than a month until Chris' cousin Stephanie leaves for Japan. She is getting really excited, but stressed beyond all belief all at the same time.

Also of note...Aunt Jean is coming to cat sit while Steph is away. That means my best knitting buddy is back in town. I'm hoping to be able to have a few sessions with her while she is here, but she will also be spending a lot of time with Jen and Mike in Maine, preparing for Olivia's arrival, as it should be, especially considering that Olivia will be the first grandchild for the Lacher family.

Later Days

Monday, September 12

Carter Kendrick Polson

This just in!!

Alex's cousins John and Kerry are proud to announce the arrival of Carter Kendrick Polson!!!!

Born on Wednesday, September 7, 2005 at 10:54pm at Williamsburg Hospital. He weighed in at 6lbs 11oz and is 19 inches long.

He is simply precious, very quiet and loves to snuggle. We are at this time having to keep him on a special blanket due to his elevated bilirubin counts and have to make trips to the hospital for blood work...but his doctor assures us that his levels will be in normal range in no time. Maddy thinks it's "really cool" to see her little brother light up like a little glow worm :-) She too had to go through all of this when she was born. She is also adjusting nicely to being a big sister and loves to kiss him on his head and tickle his feet!


Friday, September 9

Official update from Hannah

Hannah finally sent out an official note of her experiences in the recent hurricane. She was blessed that Katrina did not do much damage to her home in Florida, but now Ophelia is sitting of the east coast of Florida and may decide to do something.

Just thought I would let you all know that when Katrina hit Florida, we had some high winds and a lot of rain. The storm was nice to us and stayed south enough not to effect us much. We only lost one tree, a pine tree at that, there are plenty left. We got out all the batteries, flashlight, lanterns and etc. Made sure everything worked and then did not need it, which was good. Had plenty of water stored also. Quite glad it did not turn 45 minutes north. At least when it hit Florida it was small. We thought that we would lose power, but thankfully it only blinked a few times.

My cousin Kathleen was visiting and she got to experience some Hurricane Prep! It was fun having her visit, lots of gabbing and horsin' around......with actual horses.


Later Days.

Tuesday, September 6

It's official!

The Champlain Valley has a new full-time radio personality. Chris has accepted a full-time position at WVAA 1390AM. He starts tomorrow, please join me in saying congratulations!

We had a very relaxing Labor Day. We spent some time volunteering for the Red Cross at the Champlain Valley Fair. We got a little sun burned, but it is all for a good cause. If you haven't done so yet, and are inclined to do so, donate money to the American Red Cross or the Salvation Army.

Later Days.