Friday, September 9

Official update from Hannah

Hannah finally sent out an official note of her experiences in the recent hurricane. She was blessed that Katrina did not do much damage to her home in Florida, but now Ophelia is sitting of the east coast of Florida and may decide to do something.

Just thought I would let you all know that when Katrina hit Florida, we had some high winds and a lot of rain. The storm was nice to us and stayed south enough not to effect us much. We only lost one tree, a pine tree at that, there are plenty left. We got out all the batteries, flashlight, lanterns and etc. Made sure everything worked and then did not need it, which was good. Had plenty of water stored also. Quite glad it did not turn 45 minutes north. At least when it hit Florida it was small. We thought that we would lose power, but thankfully it only blinked a few times.

My cousin Kathleen was visiting and she got to experience some Hurricane Prep! It was fun having her visit, lots of gabbing and horsin' around......with actual horses.


Later Days.

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