Wednesday, October 19

Home from the Left Coast

Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. Okay, so there weren't any reports, but I have a excuse for not writing in a while. I have been in San Francisco. I was there attending a conference, the San Francisco Money Show. It is not nearly as interesting as it sounds, but it was educational. I went as a marketing rep for EverBank and learned a lot about the company and finacial planning in general. I came away from it both horrible depressed at my/our current financial situation (just poorly managed, no real problems) and a new found desire to do something about it. I have moved money out of the poorly performing savings account we had into a new one with 4% interest and will soon open a new interest checking account. These are all good first steps on what I hope will be a five year journey to a more properly managed financial picture. I wish somewhere out there there was a company that I could just hand everything over too, tell them what I want and they would do it all (including paying all my bills), but I haven't found anything for a small household like ours.

On to the much more fun part of the trip...I got to spend some time with the Munson/Maioccos and the Collazos while I was there. Mandi, Felix and I went to the The Dead Fish and had more crab than I have ever eaten in my life and man was it delicious! I spent most of Sunday hanging in Lafayette with Mary, Sarah, Matt, Jane and Lucy. Well, Lucy didn't so much "hang" as she did scream, but that's what you do when you're 8 months old, so it's okay. I brought Jane a dress-up wedding dress, she is so cute in it you could almost die! Apparently she spent most of Monday in it according to Sarah (who even got to wear the veil). People look at me funny when I say I went to spend time with my in-laws by myself, voluntarily, but hey, I have pretty cool in-laws.

All of my flights were uneventful, some minor turbulence, but I was sleeping for most of it. I can't believe that Halloween and Thanksgiving are right around the corner!

Later Days.

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