Friday, June 30


I know...I know...long time, no posting. I'm so sorry!

What's happened...not sure really.

Chris and I celebrated our one year anniversary. We took a brunch cruise on the Spirit of Ethan Allen III. For those of you that remember, that was the boat that the reception was held on. It was neat to be there a year later.

I've turned 30. It was a little scary, but I seem to have survived without too much mental trauma. I try not to think about it, if I stop and think I get a little bummed out.

Chris is out straight with all of his freelance and radio duties. He's becoming quite the local sports guy. He's covering the Vermont Lake Monsters (baseball), Vermont Ice Storm (football), Vermont Frost Heaves (basketball), Vermont Mountaineers (amatuer college level baseball), Middlebury football, and he's even got a gig playing poker in the US Bar League. That's not even all of what he's doing, just a very small piece.

I know it was short, but that's our life in a really small nutshell.


Unknown said...

yikes! 30? can't be...

happy birthday, Alex. it sounds like things are going well for you.

and congratulations on your anniversary!

Unknown said...

yikes! 30? can't be...

happy birthday, Alex. it sounds like things are going well for you.

and congratulations on your anniversary!