So far, despite the build up, TS Fay isn't doing anyway. I heard from a coworker who lives literally on the beach and her roof tiles are all over her driveway and A1A (the highway) and she had to go chasing her screen door down the street.
We've had some significant rain and pretty blustery conditions but the power is still on. The office was closed today, but that didn't keep me from working (like that comes as a surprise to anyone!). I've been tempted to go out driving around, but a) I don't really know where to go and b) I don't want it to get suddenly MUCH worse while I'm out and about.
We'll see what happens tonight as the storm hasn't really moved much since this morning. I'll keep you posted.
Now you have jinxed it. THANKS!!!
Didn't I say something just yesterday about you working through a hurricane? The world as you know it is going to pot but you've got to get that status report out!!!
Come home, there are no hurricanes here. Just snow.
Miss you guys!!!!
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