Saturday, November 17

What a week...

This has truly been an exhausting week, both personally and professionally. The professional stuff is all related to managing the expectations of the people you work with and some growing pains with new team members.

Personally there as been good news and bad news. Dad was moved out of the ICU last night and is now in a standard room. He's off dialysis and the ventilator. His speech is slurred and he is pretty confused, but improving.

The bad news is that the ignition in my car has frozen up, making it impossible to turn my car on. Not what I needed this week, but at least I was near home when it happened. It's going to the dealership on Tuesday for a new ignition. Can't wait to see that bill!

If you don't hear from me - have a most happy Thanksgiving. Be thankful for both the joys and struggles, for they are what help you to make you who you are.

Monday, November 12

Nothing to update...really.

Well, spoke to Mom this morning, they are going to wean him off the sedatives over the course of today and tomorrow. She'll probably head down tomorrow, and will have more information then.

Sunday, November 11


The last time Dad was in the hospital certain family members (you know who you are out there in the Central Time Zone) were concerned that I didn't post enough updates, so...

Dad is still at Dartmouth, still sedated, still intubated, and is now on dialysis. IF he is off the ventilator tomorrow I will probably head back down to see him, but if not, there is not real point as he will be sedated and completely unaware.

We are currently planning to have Thanksgiving at Dartmouth, which is a new and interesting experience for us.

That's all I have right now.

Friday, November 9

Dad's back in the hospital

After and ambulance ride to Gifford Hospital in Randolph, Dad was taken via DHART (Dartmouth-Hitchcock Advance Response Team) to Dartmouth Hospital in Hanover, NH.

There he was sedated, intubated and placed in the ICU. Mom and I were there last night, and Mom went back today. At last update this afternoon, his condition hasn't changed. He had a CT scan which was normal and they are currently giving him antibiotics for his various infections.

I'll try to update again when I know more, but for the moment he is serious but stable.