Sunday, January 27

What to do when...

you have the whole house to yourself for the weekend.

Chris is in DC this weekend doing some basketball games for someone. There were supposed to be two, but today's got cancelled, so he's out on the town in DC. He's called twice to give me updates on his location "I'm at the Washington Monument...I'm at the Air and Space Museum..." anyway...

I've spent my day cleaning of my dresser, cleaning my jewelry (which I never wear, but what ever), right now I'm doing laundry and running the dishwasher. I've been knitting and watching Heath Ledger movies.

Brokeback Mountain is at least a three Kleenex movie anyway, but watching in the aftermath of Heath's death just made it that much worse.

I'm not sure how it is that I'm am so struck by the loss of someone I don't even know, but I am. It's just so sad that someone who has essentially lived outside the tabloid media heck that is celebrity should die so suddenly. If someone had told me that Britney had OD'd or that Lindsey had been killed in a DUI I wouldn't feel so shocked. I mean, let's be serious here - does anyone expect those hard partying girls to live past 30?

I had big plans to start taking some pictures of my knitting, but I really need to get a larger SD card for my camera - 16MB just doesn't cut it.

Saturday, January 19

What a week...

Sorry no pictures yet - I have nothing to take pictures of.

I've started a pair of socks, maybe I'll take a picture when I'm done with them.

For those of you who have offered assistance to me this week, I say thank you. I know I haven't responded much to email, but I'm not in the most social of mind sets.

No decisions have been made on either side of the coin as yet, but things are slowly becoming clearer. If they continue down the path they are currently on, there is much change in my future. That said there is some small glimmer of a change of pace, and it that doesn't get snuffed out (or given up on) then maybe things will work out.

At this point I just don't know. I'm confused and I'm just not sure what it is that I'm supposed to do, think or say to make any impact. The really scary part is that I'm not so sure that I care anymore.

Sunday, January 13

Merry Christmas Me

I just bought myself a late Christmas present - a digital camera.

No, I haven't complete installed everything yet, but when I do, you will see many more pictures posted on this blog.

I had a $100 gift card at Circuit City, and a $50 AMEX gift card, so the camera was practically $0!.

I've wanted a camera for myself for a while and this will allow me to take pictures of stuff for work as well as my knitting projects.

So, in short - stay tuned...

Monday, January 7

I can't take it any more...

I've held this in for long enough...

Chris hasn't been paid since November 9, 2007...that's 8 weeks ago. EIGHT WEEKS!

We've been trying to live on my salary, which isn't that difficult, but it is getting harder and harder all the time. I don't have the money to pay my student loan bill, Chris's credit card bills or the heat and electricity. Why? Because I chose to pay the cell phone bill, my credit card bill, the rent and 2 of my three student loan bills.

NEB is a sham of a company! I've had serious doubts about them since they offered Chris a full time job based on a 5 minute phone call and no review of his experience. Who does that?!?! Chris loves his job, and I love that he loves his job, but at some point that becomes less important.

How does a company get away with not paying someone for 8 weeks! Not only have they not paid him, but they owe him $450 for a cell phone bill because Chris used his phone to broadcast games. Have we seen that, essentially I've paid for those games to be broadcast.

He's filed complaints with the appropriate people, but that doesn't help me when I have to pay the bills. It's so bad that my parents (the ones with the massive hospital and pharmacy bills) floated me a loan so I could buy new tires for my car. My tires badly need to be replaced, but I just don't have the money to pay for them.

I didn't have money to buy any Christmas presents this year - the ones I did buy were a huge stretch and I shouldn't have purchased what I did anyway.

I can't handle this stress anymore...I'm afraid to check my bank balance, I'm terrified to check Chris' balance. I dread it when bills come in.

Chris spent thousands of dollars to go to a foreign country and rescue family, but does anyone in his family offer to help recover the! They expect him to drop his life and fly home to deal with disasters as they happen. If we didn't have to still pay off that trip, things wouldn't be quite so bad. They'd still be tough, but better. His family expects us to spend $700 - $800 to fly to them for Christmas every other year, but do they come visit us? Nope...apparently they think we are made of money - newsflash - we are broke! We are scraping by on one income, and slowly drowning.

I digress...Holiday recap: Christmas with Mom and Dad was nice. One of the better family gatherings in recent history. It was a bummer that Hannah and Josh couldn't make it, we missed them, but she had to work. Hannah visited Chelsea on Wednesday, so at least some time was spent with her.

After several weeks of multiple inches of snow, we are in a bit of a January thaw. It's in the 40s today, which is a nice change of pace.

Here's to hoping 2008 is better than 2007, can't get much worse.