Tuesday, June 28

Jack the Ripper and the heat

There are a few new theories about Jack the Ripper. I have always been fascinated by the story of Jack the Ripper. I have no idea why, as it is a fairly gruesome thing to be fascinated with, but I've always been a bit odd. This theory posits that Jack the Ripper was a merchant seaman and is detailed in the new book Jack The Ripper: The 21st Century Investigation. I discovered, quite accidently, that there are 194 titles available at Amazon.com that cover Jack the Ripper, that's scary.

I hate small talk about the weather, but I think that the current streak merits some talk, small or otherwise. We had to dig out the air conditioner last night. It's only the second night this summer, but we didn't use it at all last year. They are predicting another 90+ day today with temps in the mid 70s over night. I predict that there will be much more AC tonight.

It's still early in the day so nothing worth reporting has happened yet, I'll let you know if anything changes.

Later Days!

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