Monday, August 22

Pictures of the car

I finally remembered to take pictures of my new car. Isn't she pretty!!

On a completely unrelated side note, it came to my attention this weekend that people actually read this blog...speak up people! Knowing that you're out there, I guess I'd better update more often.

The major event of this weekend was further use of the new breadmaker. The first loaf I made was terrible, it barely rose at all, and weighs a ton! The second loaf rose like crazy, but it was nothing but air. It was delightfully doughy though...mmm, bread dough, yummy!

I've joined and gave Chris' old picnic basket to a good home on Saturday. That leaves us with just one picnic basket. I have people coming this week for the books, scanner and printer. I love this place! It's nice to be able to give the stuff that we don't need a home where it will be used.

I spent Saturday reorganizing the downstairs closet. I bought a broom/mop hanger and hung that up and I also bought a utility shelving unit and the closet finally looks a little more organized, though looks can be deceiving.

I had a minor panic attack this morning when I couldn't find the cat. I looked everywhere I could think of, and then I remembered I had been into the spare bedroom last I looked there and Sophie was very happy to be freed from that room. I'll have to check it later to see if she did any damage. **fingers crossed**

Later Days


Anonymous said...

How about Bets?

Alex said...

Bets...that's cute!