Monday, October 10

Happy Monday

Hmm, not sure what exactly is happy about it, perhaps Adequate Monday would be a better headline.

Not much in the goings on this past weekend. I took Friday off and spent the day with Mom. We played games and solved the problems of the world. She beat me in Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble, though the Scrabble game was very close, she only one by 3 points. Trivial Pursuit was also very close, I just couldn't get to the center before she did.

Chris brought home (free) Smoked Salmon pizza from one of his remotes this weekend. He loved it, I was not really sold on it, but it was free, so I can't really complain that much. He has been hard at work on the Colchester beat covering the looming Colchester teacher strike. They officially went on strike this morning.

I'm headed to the left coast on Thursday. I'm hoping to be able to spend some time with friends and family if time allows.

I have finished the pieces to the Tasha (see side panel) bag my Secret Pal enabled me to make. They are currently blocking/drying and should be assembled shortly. In the meantime, not being one to have idle hands, I have started a sweater. I know, I know, I've always said I shouldn't make sweaters because I doubt I'd finish them, but given my recent success at socks (yes, I made TWO!) I thought I'd give it a try.

Happy Thanksgiving to our Neighbors in the Great White North! Which reminds me I should jot a note to Mad and John.

Later Days!

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