Wednesday, November 30

A belated Happy Thanksgiving

I know, I know, I've been a terrible poster lately, but HEY, I've been busy!

Chris and I held Thankgiving at our home for the first time this year. Mom and Dad arrived on Wednesday to help with the prep. This certainly made the whole process MUCH easier (did you know you need to make the stuffing the night before?) Eilleen arrived midmorning on Thursday and we were done eating and visiting by four and everyone went home. I was a little disappointed, but I understand the reasoning, the weather was kind of yucky. The pies are all gone, but Chris and I are still plugging through the turkey. There have been lots of turkey sandwiches lately. Chris actually carved the turkey, and I, of course, took lots of pictures. I'll post them here at some point.

In other news, recent staffing changes at work have required that I take on much greater responsibility. It's very exciting actually, I've been able to learn a lot and more importantly I know what I can handle (which is more than I thought). It's pretty stressful, but I think I'm handling it pretty well.

What else is going on? The weather has been odd. Last week we had a major snowstorm and yesterday it was 60 degrees. The rivers are incredibly high, makes for a most interesting commute as I watch the Winooski River creep ever higher.

Chris' knee is bothering him again, the terrible S word (surgery) is being bandied about by his various doctors and physical therapists. He's back on crutches...again. He is starting his weekly ESPN radio show this week, it launches Sunday.

Hannah is coming home for Christmas! They are still cleaning up from Wilma, but most things have returned to some sense of normalcy, they even have horse show coming up.

That seems to be all that springs to mind.

Later Days.

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