Tuesday, December 27

Merry Christmas!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday!!

Chris and I went to Chelsea to visit my parents on Saturday. Hannah and Josh had been there since Friday and were eager to get out and enjoy the snow before their return to Florida. Hannah, Josh and I tried to go sledding, but with temperatures in the upper 30s and low 40s the snow was far to sticky for quality sledding. We decided instead to build a snowman. Great plan! Well that is until we discovered that the base of the snowman was almost 4 feet tall and we were never going to be able to get more snow on top of it. So, we improvised and built Snoopy's head instead. It actually looked really cool, though I'm afraid no one took pictures of it.

Santa was very good this year, if a bit confused. Dad ended up getting two drill kits and I bought mom a book she already had, but over all there were no major catastrophies. The best gift by far was the one that Chris gave me. He saved up and bought me a remote car starter! It's not installed yet, but when it is - goodbye sub-zero car, hello toastiness!

No plans as yet for New Year's Eve.

I hope you had a very safe and happy holiday!

Later Days.

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