Saturday, August 16

New home - new neighbors

So, the good news is I found the cord that connects my camera to my computer. The bad news is that I took 70 pictures on the drive to Florida! So, in the interest of not completely boring everyone to tears I'm going to have to do some editing, but I haven't gotten to that yet.

BUT! I did take a picture of one of my new neighbors...he's got lots of friends to. They are all pretty quiet and generally don't cause any real problems.

I hope to get some photo editing done in the next few days, and will post when I have them.

In the meantime - keep an eye on Tropical Storm Fay...she seems to be headed in our general direction. We're not worried yet, but that would certainly be one heck of a "Welcome to Florida!"

Later days.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Awwww... isn't Kermit cute???