Friday, July 8

A sad day in London

Another terror attack in London, this time attacking the mass transit system. Somehow it feels very much like the "old days" of the IRA and the frequent bombs they planted all over the city.

This just goes to prove that terrorists never die, they just change causes. When will the countries of the world learn that it isn't an atrocity that they bomb our cities and it isn't a shock or a surprise. The real atrocity, shock and surprise comes from our inability to learn from the past. The policies of many of the major developed nations of the world are offensive, even to those living in those countries. When was the last time you heard some one say "I hate those Canadians" or "Let's just bomb Oslo." The United States and its cohorts really need to take a lesson from the more peaceful nations of the world. What are they doing right that we just can't seem to figure out?

I recently saw a very interesting program on CBC. the fifth estate ran a program entitled "Sticks and Stones" about the media bias in the US. It was a very fair presentation of what is happening in the American media from a Canadian perspective. The CBC will even let you watch it online!

Anyway, I'll get off my political soapbox (if only Grandpa could see me now!)

Later Days

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