Friday, September 30

A pain in the

SHOULDER! I seem to have developed a recurrence of tendonitis in my shoulder. Grr! I'm fine first thing in the morning, but as the day progresses it just gets more and more painful. Chris has ordered me to rest it this weekend. I'll try, but I'm not very good at doing nothing.

Just under two weeks until I go to San Francisco! Look out Jane, Aunt Alex is coming to town (and she's bringing presents). Ahh, I'm the gift bringing relative...well, at least that means I'll be her favorite (course I already am, right Jane?) :-)

Kaleidoscope is having thier annual tent sale tomorrow. I might go...depends on if I can drag Chris or not.

Oww, my shoulder HURTS! Okay, I'll stop whining now.

Later Days!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris and Alex - I had no idea that this existed, I'll be sure to visit more often. Janie is very excited for your visit! There is a little airplane at her favorite park and whenever she rides it she says that she is flying to Vermont to see Aunt Alex and Uncle Chris.